House Bill 1066, which was passed in the 2019 Legislature, and commonly referred to as “Operation Prairie Dog”, was meant to pass along funds from the State’s oil production tax to political subdivisions for infrastructure improvements – if certain revenue projections were met. Fluctuating oil prices have delayed those revenue goals, but it appears they may now be within reach for the current biennium. If these revenue goals are met, distribution of the funds to Counties will be based on needs outlined in a recent Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) study for road and bridge infrastructure – and to Cities based on their most recent population estimates and property tax valuations and can be used for a wide variety of public infrastructure needs.
While it looks promising for funds to become available to Cities, Counties, Townships, and Airport Authorities, nothing is certain until the fund is filled. The State Treasurer has a great tracking tool on their website along with an explanation of the legislation.